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creat library for application

my first publication:

I wrote this article because I encountered a major obstacle and truly needed to make the library code independent and accessible for multiple executables. I couldn't have achieved this on my own; version 0.12 represents a significant advancement. The "MAKE" alias build code, on the other hand, is much more coherent and easier to read.

thank you : castholm [](https://ziggit.dev/u/castholm/summary

zig 0.12.0 dev 2024-02

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"library": is a directory that contains all the zig files and functions as the underlying engine. It includes a function named "build", along with "build.zig.zon" and "library.zig" files.


"build",This name is mandatory, a prerequisite for the compiler in your project to execute it.
(Do not do as I did and I was going around in circles ;))

    const std = @import("std");
// zi=g 0.12.0 dev

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {

    const cursed_mod = b.addModule("cursed", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "cursed.zig" },

    const utils_mod = b.addModule("utils", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "utils.zig" },

    const match_mod = b.addModule("match", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "match.zig" },

    const callpgm_mod = b.addModule("callpgm", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "callpgm.zig" },

    const forms_mod = b.addModule("forms", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "forms.zig" },
        .imports= &.{
        .{ .name = "cursed", .module = cursed_mod },
        .{ .name = "utils",  .module = utils_mod},
        .{ .name = "match",  .module = mThis name is mandatory, a prerequisite for the compiler in your project to execute it.
(Do not do as I did and I was going around in circles ;))atch_mod },

    const grid_mod = b.addModule("grid", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "grid.zig" },
        .imports = &.{
        .{ .name = "cursed", .module = cursed_mod},
    This name is mandatory, a prerequisite for the compiler in your project to execute it.
(Do not do as I did and I was going around in circles ;))   .{ .name = "utils",  .module = utils_mod},

    const menu_mod= b.addModule("menu", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "menu.zig" },
        .imports= &.{
        .{ .name = "cursed", .module = cursed_mod},
        .{ .name = "utils",  .module = utils_mod},

    const library_mod = b.addModule("library", .{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "library.zig" },
        .imports = &.{
        .{ .name = "cursed",    .module = cursed_mod },
        .{ .name = "utils",     .module = utils_mod },
        .{ .name = "match",     .module = match_mod },
        .{ .name = "callpgm",   .module = callpgm_mod },
        .{ .name = "forms",     .module = forms_mod },
        .{ .name = "grid",      .module = grid_mod },
        .{ .name = "menu",      .module = menu_mod },


    match_mod.addIncludePath(.{.path = "./lib/"});
    match_mod.link_libc = true;
    match_mod.addObjectFile(.{.cwd_relative = "/usr/lib/libpcre2-posix.so"});

    _ = library_mod;


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addModule (do not use CreateModule)
=>import (do not use dependency)

If you have libraries written in "C"

    match_mod.addIncludePath(.{.path = "./lib/"});
    match_mod.link_libc = true;
    match_mod.addObjectFile(.{.cwd_relative = "/usr/lib/libpcre2-posix.so"});
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The file "build.zig.zon" is required, it remains in its most basic form.< /br>
< /br>

    .name = "library",
    .version = "0.0.0",
    .dependencies = .{},
    .paths = .{
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The file "library.zig" contains all the modules that form your library. Its particularity is to make the constant linked to the import "pub".

pub const cursed    = @import("cursed");
pub const utils     = @import("utils");
pub const match     = @import("match");
pub const forms     = @import("forms");
pub const grid      = @import("grid");
pub const menu      = @import("menu");
pub const callpgm   = @import("callpgm");
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Now, the program part:

In the "src-zig" directory:

The "build.zig.zon" file is mandatory,

    .name = "program",
    .version = "0.0.0",
    .dependencies = .{
        .library = .{
            .path = "../library",
    .paths = .{
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The "buildExample" file:

const std = @import("std");
// zig 0.12.0 dev

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    // Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
    // between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
    const target   = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});

    // Building the executable

    const Prog = b.addExecutable(.{
    .name = "Exemple",
    .root_source_file = .{ .path = "./Exemple.zig" },
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,

    // Resolve the 'library' dependency.
    const library_dep = b.dependency("library", .{});

    // Import the smaller 'cursed' and 'utils'... modules exported by the library. etc...
    Prog.root_module.addImport("cursed", library_dep.module("cursed"));
    Prog.root_module.addImport("utils", library_dep.module("utils"));
    Prog.root_module.addImport("match", library_dep.module("match"));
    Prog.root_module.addImport("forms", library_dep.module("forms"));
    Prog.root_module.addImport("grid",  library_dep.module("grid"));
    Prog.root_module.addImport("menu", library_dep.module("menu"));
    Prog.root_module.addImport("callpgm", library_dep.module("callpgm"));

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The peculiarity:

To resolve the dependencies, we need to indicate how:

const library_dep = b.dependency("library", .{});
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"library" with its "path" it will fetch and build the object it needs to be linked to your program.
Then, you can declare and connect your modules:

Prog.root_module.addImport("cursed", library_dep.module("cursed"))
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Your program will work as if it were compiled with the sources, for exemple:

const term = @import(cursed);
const kbd = @import("cursed").kbd;
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To compile source files within your "src-zig" directory, which may contain multiple sources such as client, invoice, delivery note, etc., it is simpler to use "--build-file" instead of "build".

Here's the command you can use:

zig build --build-file /home/soleil/exemple/src-zig/buildExemple.zig
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Go take a look at a small project, it will help you understand better, nothing beats concrete code.

Top comments (2)

jefferyhus profile image
Jeffery ThaGintoki

I am so lost on how everyone does have this working except me the compiler screams about error: no field named 'root_module' in struct 'Build.Step.Compile'

jpl profile image

sorry a typing error

I corrected it, thanks for pointing it out.