Luke Harwood
Luke Harwood

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openai-proxz - An intuitive OpenAI library for zig!


I wanted a simple interface for interacting with OpenAI & compatible APIs and couldn't find one that was MIT licensed and carried the features I needed, so I built one!

As someone who is coming from python, I loved how simple the openai-python package was, so this was modeled after that interface.

📙 ProxZ Docs: https://proxz.mle.academy


  • Built-in retry logic
  • Environment variable config support for API keys, org. IDs, project IDs, and base urls
  • Integration with the most popular OpenAI endpoints with a generic request method for missing endpoints


To install proxz, run

 zig fetch --save "git+https://github.com/lukeharwood11/openai-proxz"
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And add the following to your build.zig

const proxz = b.dependency("proxz", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,

exe.root_module.addImport("proxz", proxz.module("proxz"));
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Client Configuration

const proxz = @import("proxz");
const OpenAI = proxz.OpenAI;
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// make sure you have an OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable set,
// or pass in a .api_key field to explicitly set!
var openai = try OpenAI.init(allocator, .{});
defer openai.deinit();
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Since OpenAI was one of the first large LLM providers, others modeled their APIs around their contracts! So you can use other providers by setting the OPENAI_BASE_URL environment variable or adjusting the config:

var openai = try OpenAI.init(allocator, .{
    .api_key = "my-groq-api-key",
    .base_url = "https://api.groq.com/openai/v1",
    .max_retries = 5,
defer openai.deinit();
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Chat Completions

const ChatMessage = proxz.ChatMessage;

var response = try openai.chat.completions.create(.{
    .model = "gpt-4o",
    .messages = &[_]ChatMessage{
            .role = "user",
            .content = "Hello, world!",
// This will free all the memory allocated for the response
defer response.deinit();
const completions = response.data;
std.log.debug("{s}", .{completions.choices[0].message.content});
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const inputs = [_][]const u8{ "Hello", "Foo", "Bar" };
const embeddings_response = try openai.embeddings.create(.{
    .model = "text-embedding-3-small",
    .input = &inputs,
// Don't forget to free resources!
defer embeddings_response.deinit();
const embeddings = embeddings_response.data;
std.log.debug("Model: {s}\nNumber of Embeddings: {d}\nDimensions of Embeddings: {d}", .{
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Contributions are welcome and encouraged! Submit an issue for any bugs/feature requests and open a PR if you tackled one of them!

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