David Vanderson
David Vanderson

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at github.com

Beginner's notes on Slices/Arrays/Strings

Originally published at https://github.com/david-vanderson/zig-notes

Zig's arrays and slices were quite confusing to me at first. Here are my notes after working with them. Maybe this can help other people coming to Zig.

In C we use the word "array" for a sequence of same-sized items laid out sequentially in memory. A pointer to the first item is the same as a pointer to the array. The length or size of the array is either stored in a separate variable, or indicated by a sentinel value, usually 0 (null).

Zig has a few different ways of talking about an "array" sequence depending on what the zig compiler and type system knows about it.


Pointers are split into 2 types:

  • p: *T - pointer to a single T, not a sequence
    • can only dereference p.*
  • p: [*]T - pointer to a sequence of T of unknown length
    • can index p[i]
    • can slice p[i..n]
    • can pointer math p + x


Slice - combines a pointer to a sequence with a length.
[]T is very much like

struct {
  ptr: [*]T,
  len: usize,
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  • s: []T - sequence of T of runtime-known length
    • can index s[i]
    • can slice s[i..n] or s[i..]
    • if slice length is comptime-known, returns a pointer to an array (coerces to a slice)
    • if slice length is runtime-known, returns a slice
    • can copy data from another slice s[i..n][1..3].* = b[j..m][2..5].*
    • slice length must be comptime-known, giving a pointer to an array which requires the pointer dereference
    • can get pointer s.ptr with type [*]T
    • can get length s.len
    • can iterate for (s) |x, i| {}
    • can get by coercing from a pointer to an array s = &arr or s = arr[0..]
    • duplicating the slice var s2 = s does not copy the data
  • s: [:X]T - sequence of T of known length plus sentinel value X after
    • s[s.len] == X
    • use for string interop with C

Slices are used in most of the places you would normally have an "array" in C. They combine pointer and length so you don't need a separate variable.

Allocating memory returns a slice:

  • var s: []T = allocator.alloc(T, n)
  • var s: [:X]T = allocator.allocSentinel(T, n, X)

A struct with a slice field only holds the slice pointer and length. The pointed-to data is not stored in the memory of the struct.

Experimenting with slices can be confusing if you are starting with arrays. Try starting with this:

const std = @import("std");

var gpa_instance = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const gpa = &gpa_instance.allocator;

pub fn main() !void {
  var s = try gpa.alloc(u8, 5);
  std.debug.print("s type {}\n", .{@TypeOf(s)});
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Array - similar to a slice but length is known at compile time. A pointer to an array is very similar to a slice and can be coerced to a slice.

  • a: [N]T - sequence of T of length N
    • can index a[i]
    • can get length a.len
    • can iterate for (a) |x, i| {}
    • can slice a[i..n] or a[i..]
    • if slice length is comptime-known, returns a pointer to an array (coerces to a slice)
    • if slice length is runtime-known, returns a slice
    • can copy data from another array a[1..3].* = b[2..5].*
    • slice length must be comptime-known, giving a pointer to an array which requires the pointer dereference
  • a: [N:X]T - sequence of T of length N plus sentinel value X after
    • a[a.len] == X

Array Literals

  • var a = [5]u8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
    • @TypeOf(a) == [5]u8
  • var a = [_]u8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
    • @TypeOf(a) == [5]u8
    • length inferred from literal
  • var a = [_:0]u8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
    • @TypeOf(a) == [5:0]u8
  • var a: [100]u8 = undefined;
    • use with std.fmt.bufPrint and std.fmt.bufPrintZ to create strings at runtime
  • var buf = std.mem.zeroes([100:0]u8);
    • stack allocated zeroed buffer

A struct with an array field holds all the array elements in the memory of the struct.

Working with strings

  • string literals are type *const [N:0]u8 (pointer to a constant array of bytes with terminating null byte) for easier interop with C
    • can get array str.*
    • can slice str[i..n:0] gives type [:0]const u8
    • can slice str[i..n] gives type []const u8 (drop sentinel from type)
    • coerce to []const u8 (drop sentinel)
    • coerce to [:0]const u8 (can pass to C)
    • coerce to [*:0]const u8 (forget length, can pass to C)
  • Function that accepts strings and string literals
    • fn foo(str: []const u8) void {}
    • fn foo(str: [:0]const u8) void {}
    • fn foo(str: [*:0]const u8) void {}
  • Create strings at runtime:
var buf: [100]u8 = undefined;
var buf_slice: [:0]u8 = try std.fmt.bufPrintZ(&buf, "a {d} and a {d}", .{1, 2});
std.debug.print("buf_slice \"{s}\"\n", .{buf_slice});
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Top comments (5)

jpl profile image

First thank you for the clearing, have you made paired tables
or associate arrays with enums
thank you

david_vanderson profile image
David Vanderson

Sorry I don't understand. What are paired tables? Do you mean an array where each entry in the array is referenced by an enum value?

jpl profile image


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