Discussion on: Setting up Visual Studio Code for writing Zig

guidorice profile image

Just noticed: the amazing zls now supports both formatting and syntax hi-lighting!

dxps profile image

Just started this journey.
In a VSCode setup, besides having "ZLS for VSCode" extension installed, is there any option to have also formatting and syntax hightlighting, please?

guidorice profile image

@dxps zls actually does all that already for VSCode! github.com/zigtools/zls#features

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dxps profile image

Apparently it doesn't in my case.
And the only setting that I have it the (full) path to zls, as required.
Thanks for the quick feedback, Alex!
I'll see if I can find the root cause of it.

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guidorice profile image

@dxps ah gotcha. Maybe try going through the zls config setup. Also it may be necessary match your zls with your zig version. For example I am running zig 0.9.1 and zls 0.9.0.

guidorice profile image
guidorice • Edited

I should add, don't forget to do zls config and go through the setup options.

$ zls config
Welcome to the ZLS configuration wizard!
      /* \
      |  *\
    _/_*___|_    x
      | @ @     /
     @     \   /
      \__-/   /

? Should this configuration be system-wide? (y/n) > n
Found zig executable '/usr/local/bin/zig' in PATH.
? Which code editor do you use? (select one)

  - VSCode
  - Sublime
  - Kate
  - Neovim
  - Vim8
  - Emacs
  - Doom
  - Other

> VSCode
? Do you want to enable snippets? (y/n) > y
? Do you want to enable style warnings? (y/n) > y
? Do you want to enable semantic highlighting? (y/n) > y
? Do you want to enable .* and .? completions? (y/n) > y
Writing config to /Users/alex/Library/Application Support/zls.json ... successful.

To use ZLS in Visual Studio Code, install the 'ZLS for VSCode' extension from 
'https://github.com/zigtools/zls-vscode/releases' or via the extensions menu.
Then, open VSCode's 'settings.json' file, and add:

"zigLanguageClient.path": "[command_or_path_to_zls]"

Thank you for choosing ZLS!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
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dxps profile image

Yeah, found it and just did that.
Reloaded and restarted VSCode. Now, there seems to be some syntax highlighting (just on brackets), but no formatting on save.

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guidorice profile image

@dxps If you run the Format Document command in VSCode it should run zig fmt behind the scenes. Then you can toggle on the general VSCode preference: Editor: Format On Save.

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dxps profile image

Just found out that in the ZLS output ("output" vscode pane), whenever I do save it throws a "need to run as root or suid".
Gotta go to sleep, it's late here, i'll solve it tomorrow.

Thanks again for the help! Really appreciate it!

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guidorice profile image

Oh wow: i have never seen that error. Cheers I'm sure you'll get it sorted.

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dxps profile image

Issue solved.

I had to do chmod a+x {path/to}/zls
(instead of just chmod +x ...).