Felix "xq" Queißner profile picture

Felix "xq" Queißner

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Location Stuttgart, Germany Joined Joined on  Personal website https://random-projects.net/ github website
Cool Zig Patterns - Gotta alloc fast
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Gotta alloc fast

Cool Zig Patterns - Gotta alloc fast

Comments 7
3 min read

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Cool Zig Patterns - Paths in Build Scripts
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Paths in Build Scripts

Cool Zig Patterns - Paths in Build Scripts

Comments 11
1 min read
Re: Makin' wavs with Zig
Cover image for Re: Makin' wavs with Zig

Re: Makin' wavs with Zig

Comments 7
10 min read
Cool Zig Patterns - Comptime String Interning
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Comptime String Interning

Cool Zig Patterns - Comptime String Interning

3 min read
Cool Zig Patterns - Type Identifier
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Type Identifier

Cool Zig Patterns - Type Identifier

Comments 2
2 min read
Cool Zig Patterns - Configuration Parameters
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Configuration Parameters

Cool Zig Patterns - Configuration Parameters

1 min read
Zig Package Aggregator
Cover image for Zig Package Aggregator

Zig Package Aggregator

Comments 4
2 min read
Cool Zig Patterns - Stable Main Loop
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Stable Main Loop

Cool Zig Patterns - Stable Main Loop

Comments 1
1 min read
A challenger to the throne of vector graphics. SVG is dead, long live TinyVG!
Cover image for A challenger to the throne of vector graphics. SVG is dead,  long live TinyVG!

A challenger to the throne of vector graphics. SVG is dead, long live TinyVG!

Comments 9
7 min read
zig build explained - part 3
Cover image for zig build explained - part 3

zig build explained - part 3

Comments 15
13 min read
Cool Zig Patterns - Generic over array length
Cover image for Cool Zig Patterns - Generic over array length

Cool Zig Patterns - Generic over array length

1 min read
zig build explained - part 2
Cover image for zig build explained - part 2

zig build explained - part 2

Comments 12
11 min read
zig build explained - part 1
Cover image for zig build explained - part 1

zig build explained - part 1

Comments 11
9 min read