Felix Orinda
Felix Orinda

Posted on

How to create a zig project

Assuming all that you already have zig already installed in your system and by this command you'll get a version

zig version
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Once you get an output showing that you have zig. Then now we need to initialize the project
Create a folder in your desired location and in that directory run the following command

zig init-exe
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This command will create a zig boilerplateproject for you and will contain the following folders

 |  - main.zig
 |  -...
 |  -bin
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By that you have a ready project structure. Just run

zig build to build your project or zig build run to build and run the project.

Latest comments (1)

unrealskif profile image
vasya vasin

please add Part 2: "Setting up Zig Dev Environment"
what IDE to choose, how to connect debugger so on.