The source for this post can be found here
Say you see something like this:
pub fn initStack(ptr: *anyopaque, comptime addI: addProto, comptime subI: subProto, comptime mulI: mulProto, comptime divI: divProto) Calculator {
const vtable = VTable{
.add = addI,
.sub = subI,
.mul = mulI,
.div = divI,
return .{ .ptr = ptr, .vtable = &vtable };
Anyone with C/C++ experience will immediately panic on seeing something like this, as you are returning a pointer (&vtable
) to something that is on the stack and just praying for a SegmentationFault
But is that true ? What happens when we actually run this ?
pub fn main() void {
var i = Implementation.init(@as(i32, 45));
var imi = i.myInterface();
print("{}\n", .{imi.add(@as(i32, 10), @as(i32, 20))});
print("{}\n", .{imi.div(@as(f32, 12.0), @as(f32, 2.10))});
var imiS = i.myInterfaceStack();
print("{} \n", .{imiS.add(@as(i32, 10), @as(i32, 20))});
print("{} \n", .{imiS.div(@as(f32, 12.0), @as(f32, 2.10))});
my add implementation 30
my div implementation 5.71428585e+00
my add implementation 30
my div implementation 5.71428585e+00
And it worked without a SegFault
! How is that happening ?
Curious, I tried to disassembly the .exe
file and look at the assembly code. You can do so simply with
zig build-exe -target x86_64-linux-gnu calculator_implementation.zig
objdump -cpu=intel --x86-asm-syntax=intel --disassemble-all calculator_implementation > calc_out.txt
If you look at the assembly listing for the symbol calculator_interface.initStack
(notice that fns
inside structs are nothing but namespaced fns in the assembly), you will find some interesting things:
239a10: 55 push rbp
239a11: 48 89 e5 mov rbp, rsp
239a14: 50 push rax
239a15: 48 89 f8 mov rax, rdi
239a18: 48 89 75 f8 mov qword ptr [rbp - 8], rsi
239a1c: 48 8b 4d f8 mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 8]
239a20: 48 89 0f mov qword ptr [rdi], rcx
239a23: 48 b9 20 e9 20 00 00 00 00 00 movabs rcx, 2156832
239a2d: 48 89 4f 08 mov qword ptr [rdi + 8], rcx
239a31: 48 83 c4 08 add rsp, 8
239a35: 5d pop rbp
239a36: c3 ret
239a37: 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 nop word ptr [rax + rax]
checking against the declaration of initStack
: pub fn initStack(ptr: *anyopaque, comptime addI: addProto, ...) Calculator {
It looks like ptr
is copied to address at rdi
and rdi + 8
is set to the value 2156832
Where is 2156832
(hex: 20e920
) ?
This is in the .rodata
section of the assembly (Note that our addresses in initStack
here have a prefix 23...
Lets look at the data in 20e920
20e920: 00 e2 add dl, ah
20e922: 23 00 and eax, dword ptr [rax]
20e924: 00 00 add byte ptr [rax], al
20e926: 00 00 add byte ptr [rax], al
20e928: 00 e3 add bl, ah
20e92a: 23 00 and eax, dword ptr [rax]
20e92c: 00 00 add byte ptr [rax], al
20e92e: 00 00 add byte ptr [rax], al
20e930: 00 e4 add ah, ah
20e932: 23 00 and eax, dword ptr [rax]
20e934: 00 00 add byte ptr [rax], al
20e936: 00 00 add byte ptr [rax], al
20e938: 00 e5 add ch, ah
20e93a: 23 00 and eax, dword ptr [rax]
(Ignore the instructions, for they are false. This is .rodata
section, so it contains only data)
Intel assembly is Little Endian, so we read values from higher address -> lower address. Therefore,
The first 8 byte value is : 00 00 00 00 00 23 e2 00
The second 8 byte value is 00 00 00 00 00 23 e3 00
3rd: 00 00 00 00 00 23 e4 00
4rd: 00 00 00 00 00 23 e4 00
These 23...
address. seem familiar. Let us look at the instructions at 23 e2 00
000000000023e200 <Implementation.add>:
23e200: 55 push rbp
23e201: 48 89 e5 mov rbp, rsp
23e204: 48 83 ec 20 sub rsp, 32
23e208: 48 89 7d f0 mov qword ptr [rbp - 16], rdi
23e20c: 89 75 ec mov dword ptr [rbp - 20], esi
23e20f: 89 55 e8 mov dword ptr [rbp - 24], edx
23e212: e8 39 00 00 00 call 0x23e250 <std.debug.print.153>
23e217: 8b 45 ec mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 20]
23e21a: 03 45 e8 add eax, dword ptr [rbp - 24]
23e21d: 89 45 e4 mov dword ptr [rbp - 28], eax
23e220: 0f 90 c0 seto al
23e223: 70 02 jo 0x23e227 <Implementation.add+0x27>
23e225: eb 13 jmp 0x23e23a <Implementation.add+0x3a>
23e227: 48 bf 60 d5 20 00 00 00 00 00 movabs rdi, 2151776
23e231: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
And boom ! These are the addresses of our implementing functions !!
Here is the strange thing : We were expecting our &vtable
to point to addresses in the Stack, but it turned out to be addresses in the actual assembly itself ? How is that ?
The secret lies in the declaration of our fn and the magic of comptime
pub fn initStack(ptr: *anyopaque, comptime addI: addProto, comptime subI: subProto, comptime mulI: mulProto, comptime divI: divProto) Calculator {
Since our vtable
is a const
and its values are comptime
known, Zig is smart enough to create this const
as a part of the assembly itself. Therefore, when we return a pointer to vtable
, it points to an address inside .rodata
and not into the stack of initStack
This pattern is however unusual.
Most interface implementation (such as Allocator
) in Zig, create a intermediate struct with namespaced fn's to call the fns
passed as args
//comptime is the key, as it lets us know
//the signature of the implementing function at compile time
// A clever trick. addI or subI will have a type-signature of fn(c: *ConcreteType, ..args)
// our interface has a type-erased `ptr` that we need to send to addI or subI
// we sort of `wrap` addI or subI to allow passing this type erased pointer without a
// compile error (of type mismatch)
const gen = struct {
pub fn addProtoImpl(ptr: *anyopaque, x: i32, y: i32) i32 {
return @call(.{}, addI, .{ ptr, x, y });
pub fn subProtoImpl(ptr: *anyopaque, x: i32, y: i32) i32 {
return @call(.{}, subI, .{ ptr, x, y });
pub fn mulProtoImpl(ptr: *anyopaque, x: i32, y: i32) i32 {
return @call(.{}, mulI, .{ ptr, x, y });
pub fn divProtoImpl(ptr: *anyopaque, x: f32, y: f32) f32 {
return @call(.{}, divI, .{ ptr, x, y });
// All `fns` are part of the `.text` section of the binary
// so for each implementation , we know where exactly to `jmp`
// for each implementation
// vtable is not allocated on the heap, but is part of `.rodata`
// (as it is a const inside the struct)
// we can therefore safely return pointers to this struct from within any fn
const vtable = VTable{
.add = addProtoImpl,
.sub = subProtoImpl,
.mul = mulProtoImpl,
.div = divProtoImpl,
return .{ .ptr = optr, .vtable = &gen.vtable };
Oldest comments (2)
Determining something at comptime can reduce a lot of stress at runtime
I think it should explicitly add a
keyword beforeconst vtable = ...
so that the compiler can put the value in.rodata
, otherwise it should locate in stack. My point is user should have the option to choose.