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trace.zig: A small and simple tracing client library

trace.zig aims to fill the gap until the std library will have its own tracing. It hopefully can inspire this future implementation or help avoiding the mistakes trace.zig may have done ;)

Where to find it?

trace.zig is hosted in the trace.zig repository on GitLab. As usual the README.md is good starting point to learn more. The documentation is inside the source code files as doc comments. Especially main.zig contains useful information. The plan is to host the document as GitLab pages. Example usages can be found in the examples folder.

How to use it?

trace.zig requires the Zig compiler in version 0.10.0. If you clone/copy the repository locally you can import main.zig into your source code files as usual:

const trace = @import("<path to the repository>/src/main.zig");
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Or you define it as a package in your build.zig:

// build.zig
// ...
    const exe = b.addExecutable("name_of_executable", "src/main.zig");
    exe.addPackagePath("trace", "../../src/main.zig");
// ...
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And then import it as package like this:

const trace = @import("trace");
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trace.zig currently supports creating spans or instrumenting functions. trace.zig needs to be enabled by defining a public boolean constant in your root file otherwise it will fallback to no-ops. Here is what you need to define:

pub const enable_trace = true;
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The examples assumes that you have cloned this repository into the path ../third_party/ relative to a src folder.


A time span can be open and closed inside a function:

const trace = @import("./third_party/trace.zig/src/main.zig");
const Span = trace.Span;

pub const enable_trace = true; // must be enabled otherwise traces will be no-ops

fn myFunc() void {
    const span = Span.open("A unique identifier");
    defer span.close(); // Span is closed automatically when the function returns

    // execute the logic of myFunc
    // ...

    // as mentioned above, span is closed here.
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  1. trace is enabled (i.e. pub const enable_trace=true), and
  2. the the default writer is used, and
  3. myFunc is called,

then something like the below output will be logged with std.log:

info: ;tp;2215696614260;0;A unique identifier
info: ;tp;2215696653476;1;A unique identifier
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Some functions can be instrumented and used as shown below:

const trace = @import("./third_party/trace.zig/src/main.zig");
const instrument = trace.Instrument;

fn myAdd(a: u64, b:u64) u64 {
    return a+b;
const instrumentedAdd = instrumentAdd(myAdd, "myAdd");
//                                            ^^^^^
// A unique identifier is required again. The function name can be used,
// but should be unique regarding the overall usage of identifiers.

fn anotherFunction() void {
    // The instrumented function can be called as the original function.
    const value = instrumentedAdd(5,6);
    _ = value;
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  1. trace is enabled (i.e. pub const enable_trace=true), and
  2. the the default writer is used, and
  3. anotherFunction is called,

then something like the below output will be logged with std.log:

info: ;tp;2215696614260;0;myAdd
info: ;tp;2215696653476;1;myAdd
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Unfortunately one cannot instrument every possible functions. The main reason is my lack of knowledge of Zig: I couldn't find a way to create a function by "looping" through the argument types of given function. You can instrument "simple" function with zero up to three arguments. With "simple" I mean using primitive types or structs as arguments. Some usages of generic arguments (more specific anytype) or comptime arguments are supported. For more information see the documentation of the instrument function in instrument.zig.
Instrumenting a non-supported function will result in a compile error with a hopefully useful compile error message. If you cannot instrument your function you can always use a span directly as described above.


Are very welcome and more detailed in CONTRIBUTING.md but it boils down to the following contribution ideas:

  • Use it, provide feedback, create issues (bugs and improvements)
  • Fix issues (I already created more than a dozen)
  • Create custom writers or clocks: You can override the behavior how tracing information is "written" (e.g. logged with std.log) or how a timestamp is provided (which is very relevant for freestanding and/or embedded systems)
  • Create utilities to analyze log output, e.g. visualizations of spans etc..


Thread safety

I believe that currently using an individual span inside a source code section which is called from more than on threads will lead to inconclusive spans. This means that one cannot identify from within which thread a span was opened and closed. There is already the GitLab issue #5 to address this limitation in the future.


I believe that logging every span open and span close may result in a non-negligible overhead. This must be further analyzed (see GitHub issue #1) and then the default writer is improved. In the meantime the writer can be overridden (i.e. implementing writeTracePoint in the root file).

Oldest comments (2)

kristoff profile image
Loris Cro

What tooling do you recommend to use for inspecting the output?

As a side note, the Zig compiler codebase integrates with Tracy, but the bindings are not in the stdlib.


huntrss profile image

Thanks for your comment.

At the moment trace.zig logs to stderr (using std.log.info) and using ; between the relevant data elements of a logged trace point. This means it can be used as CSV and processed further with CSV tooling (open office, libre office, Excel, etc.). It makes sens to filter the log output for all lines that contain "tp;". This way other log statements are not contained in the CSV.

Unfortunately there is no more sophisticated tooling at the moment, but it could be added to the "ecosystem", e.g. that the output is converted to something usable in the Open Telemetry ecosystem with another CLI tool etc.. The basic idea of trace.zig is, to collect the data with as minimal output as possible and getting it "off" the process or even the device (in case of an embedded device). Post processing is solely done after the trace data has been collected. Therefore the collected trace point data is as minimal as required.

Thanks for pointing out the usage of tracy in the compiler. I did see it, but I kind of liked the idea of having a tracing in Zig only. Also trace.zig does not aim to be as powerful, sophisticated and feature-full as tracy is. But I can imagine a future version, where the trace output of trace.zig can be converted to a tracy compatible output to tap into the tracy tool chain. I am not sure if this is possible though.