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Using Zig and Translate-C to understand weird C code

void f(int *a) {<br>
  void *p = &a;<br>
  ***(int *(*)[])p = 1;<br>

@rep_stosq_void on Twitter posted this strange sample of C code, and I wanted to show my process of understanding this contrived C code.

After running zig translate-c x.c > x.zig, I got the following output:

pub export fn f(arg_a: [*c]c_int) void {
    var a = arg_a;
    var p: ?*c_void = @ptrCast(?*c_void, &a);
        @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment([*c]c_int), &@ptrCast(
            @alignCast(@import("std").meta.alignment([*c][*c]c_int), p),
    ).*.* = 1;
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From here I removed the unnecessary calls to std.meta.alignment by adding alignment data to p. I also converted [*c]T pointers to [*]T and *T, depending on my assumptions of how the code works. I also removed the optional from p, and stripped away arg_a.

Now we've got something a bit more faithful to the original.

fn f(a: *c_int) void {
    const p = @ptrCast(*align(@alignOf(usize)) const c_void, &a);
        *const [*]c_int,
        &@ptrCast(*const *[*]c_int, p).*,
    ).*.* = 1;
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We can now transform &@ptrCast(*const *[*]c_int, p).* into @ptrCast(*const *[*]c_int, p), as &x.* is equivalent to x.

fn g(a: *c_int) void {
    const p = @ptrCast(*align(@alignOf(usize)) const c_void, &a);
        *const [*]c_int,
        @ptrCast(*const *[*]c_int, p),
    ).*.* = 1;
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As we can see p is a pointer to the argument a, we can change its ptrCast to the more appropriate type *const *i32. The const is needed as arguments are immutable.

fn h(a: *c_int) void {
    const p = @ptrCast(*const *i32, &a);
        *const [*]c_int,
        @ptrCast(*const *[*]c_int, p),
    ).*.* = 1;
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After substituting in p.

fn i(a: *c_int) void {
        *const [*]c_int,
            *const *[*]c_int,
            @ptrCast(*const *i32, &a),
    ).*.* = 1;
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There's some many-pointers ([*]T) here, which we should replace with single pointers (*T). This is because I can tell that there aren't really any arrays at play here.

fn j(a: *c_int) void {
        *const *c_int,
            *const **c_int,
            @ptrCast(*const *i32, &a),
    ).*.* = 1;
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Here we can remove the unnecessary ptrCast around &a, as &a is already of type *const *i32.

fn k(a: *c_int) void {
        *const *c_int,
            *const **c_int,
    ).*.* = 1;
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Here we can see a ptrCast from *const *i32 to *const **c_int, back to *const *c_int. Let's remove that.

fn l(a: *c_int) void {
    (&a).*.* = 1;
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Finally, we can transform (&x).* into x.

fn m(a: *c_int) void {
    a.* = 1;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Perhaps the answer is disappointing.

Top comments (3)

kristoff profile image
Loris Cro

Perhaps the answer is disappointing

Kinda, yeah, lol.

vadavaski profile image

You translate 1 line of C mess to 7 lines of Zig mess which are then manually simplified through transforms. Why not just apply transforms to the original C code?

sobeston profile image